We know that these are worrying times, especially for those of us undergoing treatment or for whom treatment finished only a short while ago. We know too that you will have reviewed and, we are sure, are following advice from the government, the NHS and your own hospitals and medical teams, such as from the Royal Marsden.
At Red Trouser Day, we have been thinking about how we can help too, and have decided to reach out, in our normal manner, to our RTD family and invite you to join us in a spirit of sharing and caring for each other. As we were due to announce new meetings of the Red Trouser Day Community (RTDC) – initiated last year at the Royal Marsden Hospital in Chelsea – we feel getting together remotely over a coffee would do us all good.
So, you are all invited to join our Red Trouser Day Coffee Mug Morning – on 2nd April at 10.10am – a virtual meeting where patients and their supporters can use a video or audio link to join what we hope to run as a monthly meeting – where they can share their experiences to find a feasible community remedy, or work around, to any bowel cancer patient problems arising, and to share news and good experiences. Please see our invitation and joining instructions and please RSVP, by sending a note to info@redtrouserday.com